experience on visiting of election commision

Experience on visit on election commission
Part of every teenagers live is dealing with hardship. Due to those hardship they rarely get chance to remain updated about the condition of country .be it whatever  . the polities resource and development considering the those they  did we went to know about the political related at election commission.all the student of grade 10 student were taken there. We reached there at 10:55am
After we reached there one of  the election  commission member came and she welcome us .she told all the student to sit in discipline and don’t make noise in the room .she told  divide in two group. We divide a group by section a,b .the we enter inside the election  commission .there were two room .two member of election commission .  section b took to the visual room and section a to  play game related to election .the election commission members has helped us to have a different with good  knowledge about  the election process . we have learned the process of voting in the election. We all the citizens of Nepal  . people should be at the age of  18 to vote .we learned  vote election voting device in future . we played  different games related to election . we used headphone to have more information related to the election . we listened audio linked to an election us to know about  the process of a election . we watch old documentary video and slides related to the election . then we learned  the process of voting in the election commission which will help  in teenage  future .
At late I would like to thank government  of Nepal for the members who has helped us and members of Jagat  mandir  teacher  has also allowed us to about the information about the election taking us there in election commission.


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