Picnic experience

        My picnic experience

We all the students of grade 10 went for picnic in tokha on 26 magh 2076. All the students were very happy and excited.all the students were present except few of them including teachers,students.there we're about 65 people.

We student arrived at 7:30 am and we pack the picnic materials and started our journey at 8:15 am aproximately . All the  vegetables utensils,gas etc were already made ready , then the all things were kept in bus and started our journey. We reached there at 9:25 am.the place was very greenery then we took out all the things from the bus and kept in table. There were two horse. Place was very good to celebrate picnic.all the friends was busy to clean and cut the vegetables. and started to cook for breakfast. The menu for the breakfast was fried grams, egg coffee,cokiee cup cake. So at first some of my friends  started to wash dishes. Me and Furwa washed coriender and radish. We also peeled onion. After that breakfast was ready. Then we sat on the line took our breakfast. the breakfast was really tasty.
After breakfast,we took little rest and click some photos with our friends. Then we washed our own utensils which was used by us. Then there was  menu of snacks
Then we helped in that like peeling of mutter ,hleped to cut capsicum, etc. Then the menu was really interesting. then we had our snack. Snacks was dalmoth, chiura,panut , mushroom, chicken chili,chicken roast. We enjoyed snacks. Then we danced for a while with teachers. And we played bingo and then teacher games. Some of my friends won the bingo and got gift as cup.  The game was very interested. Then after played teacher game   like bursting balloons, etc. The game was very funny and enjoyable. Khem sir won the first game and Deepak sir won the second game. Then  we danced for a while and went for a hike. There we clicked many pictures. After returning we distributed gift to all the teachers and bothers and sisters
Then returned back and had our dinner. After dinner we cleaned all the utensils. Then we packed all the things and keep inside the bus. We then  return back at 6 :30 at school. While returning in the bus we sang a lot. We got really tired . Then we all returned at   our house.

This was the last picnic with my friends and teachers. Thanks to all the teachers who helped in completing this successfully. This picnic will be best and memorable in my whole life.


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